Fun, Flirty, Fit and Fifty

Forget 50 is the new 40, or 50 is the new 30.  50 is better than 30 or 40. Yes, I have a few wrinkles, some cellulite and grey hair ? all of which are fixable in our modern age. More importantly though, I have wisdom, confidence and an inner peace with myself that I never had in my younger days. This is what makes being 50 priceless.

I turned 50 this year, and I have to say that so far I am loving it.

Forget 50 is the new 40, or 50 is the new 30.  50 is better than 30 or 40. Yes, I have a few wrinkles, some cellulite and grey hair ? all of which are fixable in our modern age. More importantly though, I have wisdom, confidence and an inner peace with myself that I never had in my younger days. This is what makes being 50 priceless.


I get told that I look good for my age. Forget that?..I look good for any age and I am proud of that. I eat healthy and work hard at the gym (often alongside many 20 and 30 somethings). I may be slower and more mindful of injuries, but in many cases my drive to be there and work hard is greater than theirs, because I have to push myself harder. I am proud of this too.


Being 50 I have a profound understanding of what really matters in life: family, friends, health, showing up. The type of car I drive, how many followers I have on social media and what designer made my purse don?t matter to me anymore. Yes, I still like nice things, but I get more enjoyment from earning them and sharing them, than I do from displaying them. For the first time in my life, I am comfortable going to the corner store or even the gym without make-up on, and I am sure at 50, my face probably needs the enhancement more, but I don?t care. I do take pride in my appearance, but I am also practical. The years of applying makeup before a work out where I am just going to sweat it off anyway are long gone.


Being 50 has given me a self-acceptance that I never had. I now celebrate the fact that I am sensitive whereas I spent most of my life seeing this as a weakness, rather than as a strength. I appreciate the importance of being present and enjoying the moment. I don?t need to always be planning and thinking ahead. I find people who are different from me fascinating and I want to get to know them. My younger self would judge them and my ego would focus on the differences to try to make me feel better about myself. I embrace everyone?s differences now without judgment.


Being 50 means that I can still look sexy in a dress, run a half marathon, ride the rollercoasters at Canada?s Wonderland with my kids, but also be at peace with myself enough to cherish these moments, go at my own pace, and look to the future as a place where I still have lots of living ahead. So if you are turning 50 and some well-intentioned person says to you, ?don?t worry, 50 is the new 30?, just know that 50 is the new 50 and it?s better than 30.

If you want to make your post-50 life the best years yet, and think you could benefit from some coaching, contact me, and let?s develop a plan to create the life of your dreams.  The best is yet to come.

Leanne Townsend Lawyer and Divorce Coach
Leanne Townsend is a multifaceted entrepreneur and attorney experienced in the areas of family law and domestic violence. She provides a full range of family law legal services in addition to running workshops and other programs to support people as they go through divorce.

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